Tag Archives: Monster in law

Monster In Law From Hell

I think we have all heard of the movie Monster In Law. I myself haven’t seen it and do not want to see it. I live it every single day. I don’t even think that movie would do justice to my situation, but I prefer not to watch it. I don’t understand the point of torturing the woman that makes your son happy and brings your grandchildren into the world and raises them and will defend them with her very life.

And I say torture and I mean torture. There is nothing I will ever do right or well enough in this world for that woman. And I can understand that to an extent. That’s your baby. But for some insane reason I thought once you got married your family got bigger and you love and accept your family. This woman has never accepted a thing about me and my husband or our children. Matter of fact I have never seen a woman actually show favoritism with her own children until the day I met her. Her youngest son and his children will always hold a very special place in her heart which actually makes me feel even worse for his wife my sister in law. I really think she has it so much worse than me. They live with her because my brother in law just refuses to cut the cord and his mother refuses to let go. So everything all the way down to the childrens lunches and school are not good enough and must be repacked by my mother in law.

Example. Last week my sister in law packed pp&j and chips and a drink and some cookies in my nephews lunch box for school. She got a call after leaving for work that morning that my mother in law didn’t know what she was thinking you can’t pack pp&j for a child to take to school anymore there are just too many nut allergies. At this point she tells my sister in law that she repacked his lunch with a NUTELLA  sandwich. Please tell me someone else in the world saw the irony here??? NUT TELLA. HAZEL NUT. And please let me share this woman is a registered nurse and has an education, but couldn’t add one plus one in the above situation.

This woman hates me. I don’t allow that shit with my kids. NEVER walk or talk over me when it comes to my kids. If my husband wants to listen to your insanity that is his right as your child, but your view will not be pushed on me.

Religious views. I was raised a Christian. My mother in law claims to be a Christian. My children attend a Christian school. No matter what they believe later in life they will still be my children and I will still love them. I myself have my own battle with it. My mother in law is in no battle her motto is I show up on Sunday pray dearly for forgiveness and then walk out bashing the hell out of everyone you can’t stand because they don’t have the same view as you and you don’t care cause you know your going to heaven. This pisses me off the most and only furthers my battle with religion. I don’t understand. I have read the book been to all the same classes and apparently she didn’t get anything the church has told her but guaranteed you get into an argument with her and the next thing you know she is pulling scripture right out of her ass and she doesn’t even follow it. For instance turn the other cheek. Or love thy neighbor and so on and so on. To the point I can’t even take her seriously because the shit she is spouting at me isn’t even something she believes or does herself.

Alcoholism. Now here is where shit gets hilarious. I love a drink after the kids go to bed. My husband used to be a beer drinker and an occasional liquor drinker. Today he does neither not because either of us was irresponsible, but he has stomach problems. It makes his tummy upset and he doesn’t like his tummy to hurt so he doesn’t drink. Me on the other hand there is nothing like a mixed drink, Pandora radio, and talking to my hubby after the kids are all tucked in. My father in law is a hell of a drinker all day everyday. My brother in law would drink it with breakfast if my sister in law approved. So as you can see so far no one has anything against drinking. Well us moms don’t like anyone smashed around the kids, but ya get my point. Anyway, back to the Monster In Law. This woman will stand on her soap box preaching that once an alcoholic always an alcoholic and me and my husband are alcoholics asshe crams her margarita down her throat. She says its different she only drinks occasionally. Please remember my husband does not drink I drink on occasion after bed time and I have seen her drink on every day ending in Y and once an alcoholic always an alcoholic and are we forgetting her husband.

My husband has had trouble until about two years ago finding work. He went from job to job sometimes months without a job. We went through pretty much everything you can go through in a marriage about two and three years ago. It was rough. But we stuck together. It wasn’t just him going through shit and it wasn’t just me. We didn’t depend on anyone out side of our home to fix us. We fixed us. To this very day she makes snide comments about how my husband cannot hold down a job (he has been employed two years with an amazing employer in a job he loves). My father in law on the other hand just started his sixth job in the last year and hasn’t held even one for more than a week because he doesn’t like it or its too hard. And of course Mommy Dearest just started her second.

I am just tired of being like this. Being treated like this. The final straw was about a week ago now. She attacked my children (the two that are not her grandchildren) and me as a mother. My husband as a father and we learned exactly what she is like after one too many margaritas. I will now pretend she doesn’t exist. As far as I am concerned. She passed on and I am done. This is my farewell post to you mommy in law.